Bare facts: Why 80% of Direct CSPs will change their model?

Microsoft has changed the way they work with direct resellers. That includes raising the bar for their Direct CSPs not only for revenue but also for end-user support. Same game but new rules.

Download our free article and find out:

  • the changes Microsoft implemented
  • the reasons why Microsoft is changing the model
  • Microsoft's future view of Direct CSP partnership
  • Direct vs. Indirect – is there really a difference for partners?
direct csp vs indirect csp business direction

Ralf Schaefer

Managing Director at Trans4mation

Before, as a Direct CSP, we had to take care of the cumbersome tasks; such as technical support or billing services by ourselves and little time was left for developing new services or engaging with new customers. Now, with the ReThink portal and AppXite as our distributor, we get all the tools and services we need for a successful journey as an Indirect Reseller. Finally, we can concentrate on growing our Microsoft and SaaS business and accelerate with AppXite's Marketing and Sales support.